Thank you to those who attended and made the event the success that it was. NWAMI believes that it is important that we show our support and appreciation for those who are part of the ‘Windrush Generation’ and for the contribution that they have made to our society.
Jim was able to speak to those attending about Windrush and the effect of the event, and those events that follow and how they impacted on those that travelled to this country.

Here he is pictured giving his talk and engaging with those who attended.
We were also fortunate to have the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Ann Griffith attend the event to speak with the public and discuss any concerns and issues they may have.
We are very grateful to Ann’s for her continued support!
The Event involved a creative opportunity to build and decorate a ship with words of support and hope attached to commemorate those of the Windrush Generation

Thank you again to all who took part!
For more photos from the event please see are Facebook page!

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